
`parse_msys_table` does not return column types as defined in `access_parser.util`

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I'm trying to use parse_msys_table to get column types, match them up with their corresponding access_parser.util.TYPE_* literal and do some conditional processing. ResultType seemed promising, but always seems to be 0 no matter the actual column type - I expected to see 3 (TYPE_INT16) for ID and 10 (TYPE_TEXT) for Creator.

>>> db.parse_msys_table()["table_log"]
{'ID': {'ColumnWidth': -1, 'ColumnOrder': 1, 'ColumnHidden': '', 'TextAlign': 0, 'AggregateType': -1, 'ResultType': 0, 'CurrencyLCID': 0, 'GUID': b"\xc4^'\xdc\x11\xb5\xdeD\xa2\x05xoK\x94\xca\xa4"}, 'Creation Date': {'GUID': b';\x95\xd7>\xf8\xa6\xfeI\x9f\xa1\x82\xe4\n\xbc/\xea', 'ColumnWidth': 1995, 'ColumnOrder': 0, 'ColumnHidden': '', 'Required': '', 'IMEMode': 0, 'IMESentenceMode': 3, 'TextAlign': 0, 'AggregateType': -1, 'ShowDatePicker': 1, 'ResultType': 0, 'CurrencyLCID': 0}, 'Creator': {'GUID': b'\xa4\xc7\x80=X\x7f\xc2E\x99\x19\x94\x08QR\x0cP', 'ColumnWidth': -1, 'ColumnOrder': 0, 'ColumnHidden': '', 'Required': '', 'AllowZeroLength': '', 'DisplayControl': 109, 'IMEMode': 0, 'IMESentenceMode': 3, 'UnicodeCompression': '', 'TextAlign': 0, 'AggregateType': -1, 'ResultType': 0, 'CurrencyLCID': 0}, 'Last modified date': {'GUID': b'\x96\xb1\xed;2k\x04J\x95+\xf0mO!\xd79', 'ColumnWidth': 2325, 'ColumnOrder': 0, 'ColumnHidden': '', 'Required': '', 'IMEMode': 0, 'IMESentenceMode': 3, 'TextAlign': 0, 'AggregateType': -1, 'ShowDatePicker': 1, 'ResultType': 0, 'CurrencyLCID': 0}, 'Last modified user': {'GUID': b'\x9bNy\x82\xb9\x8a\xc7I\x9a8\x11\xd1\xd0\xf7\x11\x84', 'ColumnWidth': 2220, 'ColumnOrder': 0, 'ColumnHidden': '', 'Required': '', 'AllowZeroLength': '', 'DisplayControl': 109, 'IMEMode': 0, 'IMESentenceMode': 3, 'UnicodeCompression': '', 'TextAlign': 0, 'AggregateType': -1, 'ResultType': 0, 'CurrencyLCID': 0}}