
Combines many RSS channels into a single RSS feed

Primary LanguagePHP


php-cs-fixer phpstan rector

This is a simple script that combines multiple RSS channels into a single channel (it includes also a nice page to display all items - same as Feedburner is doing).

Author: Rafał Toborek


  • use Composer:
composer create-project --no-dev --prefer-dist clash82/multi-rss-combiner
  • create default configuration file config/general.ini (based on the config/general.ini.dist file)

  • add RSS channels by creating new *.ini files in config directory (use sample.ini.dist file as a base settings file for your channels)

  • upload everything to your web server (Apache2 is highly recommended)

  • call cron.php file to fill cache with existing RSS entries (make sure that cache directory is writable). Execute cron.php file whenever you want to update RSS cache

  • visit your new page to see a nice list of all RSS entries on a single page (RSS subscribe link is visible at the bottom of the page)

Working example can be found at https://puls.toborek.info. Feel free to contribute.

Jezus żyje! 🧡