
RM3250ZB not updating

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I had noticed that the energy meters I have set up in HA using information from Sinope-130 did not match the energy Sinope had recorded in their app.

I have tested just few minutes ago the following:

Water heater, connected through RM3250ZB, was on and wattage_instant at around 4000 W. I then turned off the heat from the Neviweb app. The status of the RM3250ZB device did not follow and so did the wattage_instant attribute, still showing on and around 4000 W, despite the actual condition of the heater being off and wattage at 0. After 5 min waiting time, I then rebooted HA. After reboot the status reported in Sinope-130 in HA was correct and in line with Neviweb.

I then turned the water heater on. Same thing. Neviweb and Sinope-130 did not show the same status. Still not a match after 10 min waiting time.

Have I missed anything?

Forgot to mention that the device firmware version is 1.3.3 and it is model 2506.

In neviweb130 we just poll Neviweb for the devices data. This polling is done every scan_intervall seconds which is set in the configuration.yaml file. It should be between 300 and 600. below 300 Neviweb will block because you are too agressive and above 600 your Neviweb session will expire.
If you trun_off manually the RM3250ZB, then the device will report to Neviweb but HA won't know that change until the next Neviweb poll.
When you reboot HA this generate a Neviweb polling that update the state of your device.
If you want your device to be always in sync with HA, use ZHA and a zigbee gateway instead. This component will receive directly any change done manually on the device.