Cannot get energy usage from SP2600ZB
Opened this issue · 5 comments
If I try to add energy usage from SP2600ZB to homeassistant energy dashboard it does not work. From I see that the sensor is missing some attributes.
I can get around the problem with a template:
- name: Énergie interrupteur
unique_id: energie_interrupteur_1
state: "{{ states('sensor.interrupteur_prise_1_summation_delivered') }}"
state_class: total_increasing
device_class: energy
unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
This new sensor works.
it is just because in your zha sensor sensor.interrupteur_prise_1_summation_delivered there is no unique_id attribute
without unique_id the energy dashboard do not monitor it.
state_class: total_increasing
zcl_unit_of_measurement: 0
status: NO_ALARMS
device_type: Electric Metering
unit_of_measurement: kWh
device_class: energy
friendly_name: Prise video Summation delivered
We are working on code remanufacturing in ZHA and I'll check to see if I can add unique_id attribute. Until that you will need to create specific sensor with unique_id to monitor your energy
I do not believe that the unique_id is the reason.
I tested that by removing the unique in the template that works and it still works.
- sensor:
- name: Énergie interrupteur
state: "{{ states('sensor.interrupteur_prise_1_summation_delivered') }}"
state_class: total_increasing
device_class: energy
unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
- name: Énergie interrupteur
It is more the device attributes that are missing:
state_class: total_increasing
device_class: energy
unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
as documented in:
I have a RM3500ZB that works ok without using a template and that SP2600ZB used to work in the energy dashboard.
Anyway, I am OK for now. Keep the good work with ZHA and Sinope
What is the quirk name for your device SP2600ZB, Quirk: switch.SinopeTechnologiesSwitch ? or Quirk: switch.SinopeTechnologiesSwitch_V2
Can you make a device scan with ZHA 🧰 Toolkit: Scan Device and send me the file it will create in config/scans
Tel que demandé:
Quirk: zhaquirks.sinope.switch.SinopeTechnologiesSwitch_V2
P.S. Would you like to have the device in your hands?
No I already have many SP2600ZB. I'll check if we can add sensor for summation_delivered with all the attributes it need to be usable by the energy daskboard directly in ZHA.
As there is a lot of code changed in ZHA now it could take a little time. You can have a look at zha-toolkit. With it you can create a sensor from any cluster/attribute and it will update the data automatically.