
The purpose of this project is create a SPA(Single Page Application) from a specific neighborhood that shows interesting spots using Google Maps APIs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Udacity Neighborhood Map - Palermo Cultural

The purpose of this project is create a SPA(Single Page Application) from a specific neighborhood that shows interesting spots using Google Maps Api and 3rd party APIs.

I make a cultural project where shows venues related to arts, music, museums, dance classes, bookstores, theaters and more in Palermo Neighborhood in Bogotá, Colombia.

alt palermocultural

SPA Features


  • Knockout.JS as MVVM framework to organize the code
  • jQuery for DOM manipulation
  • Bootstrap 3.3.6 as CSS Framework
  • Perfect-scrollbar to scroll in the locations nav list
  • Slick.JS to slide info in each infoWindow


  • Google Maps API
  • Google StreetView Image API
  • Firebase database to store JSON data

Google APIs requires a project name and a key to access several web services.


If you want to play this project, click here: Palermo Cultural


This application does:

  • Loads a map of a specific area according to lat and long coordinates

  • For each location show markers

  • Clicking on each marker, shows a infoWindow

alt infowindow

  • Shows a list of locations on the left nav bar
  • Clicking in a list element, shows the venue infoWindow

alt locations

  • Watching the street nearest to the location using Google Street View

alt streetview

  • Filter locations by title of location

alt locations

How to install

Clone this project in your local machine, go into the folder, and open index.html in a browser to play:

  git clone https://github.com/claudiainbytes/palermo-neighborhood-map

  1. Check out the repository
  2. To inspect the site on your phone, you can run a local server

For src folder (no-optimized site/in process to be optimized):

$> cd /path/to/palermo-neighborhood-map/src
$> python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080

For dist folder( optimized site):

$> cd /path/to/palermo-neighborhood-map/dist
$> python -m SimpleHTTPServer 3000
  1. Open a browser and visit localhost:8080
  2. Download and install ngrok to the top-level of your project directory to make your local server accessible remotely.

For src folder (no-optimized site/in process to be optimized):

$> cd /path/to/palermo-neighborhood-map/src
$> ./ngrok http 8080

For dist folder( optimized site):

$> cd /path/to/palermo-neighborhood-map/dist
$> ./ngrok http 3000