
Please connect to my API: Using Refit to consume REST services on Xamarin Forms

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Title: Please connect to my API: Using Refit to consume REST services on Xamarin Forms
Author Name: Carlos Campos
Twitter Handle: @codercampos
Date: Oct 4
Abstract: Eventually, when We develop mobile apps, We need to connect them to the information over the Internet: Facebook information, Twitter feeds, Images on a website, our company's server, etc. The most common way to get the information is through APIs which let us get the require information for our App's business logic. In this article, I will give you the simple tools to consume your own API using the powerful library: Refit.

@claudiosanchez are we changing everything to october? should we update all of these? Saw the blog was updated...?

Good call @jamesmontemagno. The date has been changed to reflect the correct month of the challenge.

@codercampos - Your article has been approved. Please be aware that we have moved the challenge to the month of October; please confirm the new date for your article.

@jamesmontemagno - Yes

@claudiosanchez are we changing everything to october? should we update all of these? Saw the blog was updated...?

That is correct :) - Left you a comment on your issue :)

Hi @codercampos - Are you planning on submitting your PR before Wednesday? We will be doing a YouTube Live Stream showcasing all of the content submitted.

@claudiosanchez I will. I have everything ready to be publish. I'll do a quick check today.