Check out
for the base sensor VM. It has 2 generics, T for the type of data and Config for the type of Sensor config we want to set up the sensor with.AccelerometerSensorViewModel
for the abstract Accelerometer VM. It defines the T and Config for the VM. A bonus with doing this is we can use this as a base class to mock the sensor for testing purposesAccelerometerSensorViewModelImpl
for the implemented Accelerometer VM.Modules
for the the koin DI treeGameFragment
for the UI that usesAccelerometerSensorViewModel
(it doens't care about the implementation)
Everything beyond is about the overall architecture and testing
- (Not implemented in here): If app exists in multiple processes, use Intents to communicate between them, and wrap data in LiveData, Flow or RX observables to match communication patterns on UI side
- Interfaces and abstraction as much as possible to be able to swap implementations in all places easily
- Actual architecture (Use cases, Repos and View Models all have base interface definitions that then get implemented):
- unaware of Repo using it
- the cell of the app (sort of)
- Test Dispatchers injected, along with different individual architecture functionality, based
on the Use case details
- Caching can be implemented as a state within the use case, or the use case can communicate
with a `SomeAppCache?` (possibly extending `MyService`) for caching and inter-usecase data, like
override suspend fun getPerson(id: String) {
return someDataCache?.getData(id)
// at this point cache doesn't return anything for the data
return service.getData()
That caching logic can be further abstracted into some
`CacheEnabledService<T : BaseService>(val realService: T)` that would itself get data from the
cache before calling `realService` , and would automatically save to cache when
inserting to `realService`, propagating all calls to the actual service
- Aware of use cases, not of VM
- Some inter-usecase states could also be managed here if needed, in a separate caching Use case
- Or in properties in the repository
3. ViewModel for UI - Repo communication. UI State is also maintained here without it being aware of the UI
- Aware of Repo, not of UI
- Exposes functions it expects the user to make, which work with the existing state and repository(ies)
- Exposes livedata for observing changes to the state of the VM
- Aware of Vm, not of Repo or use case
- Application creates DI tree
- Sends actions to VM through calls in the VM (defined in the VM interface)
- Can get data from VM through
- the return value of the defined actions (e.g. `override suspend fun getX(): LiveData<List<x>>`,
- livedata properties defined in the VM interface that get updated independently of them
being queried, e.g.
returns some live data containing a value that is changed throughout other VM calls.
override fun getXLiveData() : LiveData<List<X>> = xLiveData
Pull, sync gradle and build
- async functionality
- business logic:
- suspend functions + different dispatchers used throughout the app
- check out
class andTestDispatcherProvider
which runs blocking
- UI:
- callbacks through
- state of async calls can be sent to the UI by wrapping the
type in aAsyncResource<T>
which itself has states for Idle, Loading, Error and Success and properties relevant to those states. We set those states up in the ViewModel
- callbacks through
- business logic:
- UI:
- Single activity
- Nav controller or manually managing fragments on a back stack
- DI: Koin
- Net: Not needed, if needed: OkHttp, Retrofit, Gson, suspend functions