Android Architecture through a game + sensor logic

Sensor-specific info

Check out

  • AbstractSensorViewModel for the base sensor VM. It has 2 generics, T for the type of data and Config for the type of Sensor config we want to set up the sensor with.
  • AccelerometerSensorViewModel for the abstract Accelerometer VM. It defines the T and Config for the VM. A bonus with doing this is we can use this as a base class to mock the sensor for testing purposes
  • AccelerometerSensorViewModelImpl for the implemented Accelerometer VM.
  • Modules for the the koin DI tree
  • GameFragment for the UI that uses AccelerometerSensorViewModel (it doens't care about the implementation)

Everything beyond is about the overall architecture and testing


  • (Not implemented in here): If app exists in multiple processes, use Intents to communicate between them, and wrap data in LiveData, Flow or RX observables to match communication patterns on UI side
  • Interfaces and abstraction as much as possible to be able to swap implementations in all places easily
  • Actual architecture (Use cases, Repos and View Models all have base interface definitions that then get implemented):

1. Use cases for actual use case implementation

- unaware of Repo using it
- the cell of the app (sort of)
- Test Dispatchers injected, along with different individual architecture functionality, based 
on the Use case details
- Caching can be implemented as a state within the use case, or the use case can communicate 
with a `SomeAppCache?` (possibly extending `MyService`) for caching and inter-usecase data, like
override suspend fun getPerson(id: String) {
        return someDataCache?.getData(id)
    // at this point cache doesn't return anything for the data
    return service.getData()
That caching logic can be further abstracted into some 
`CacheEnabledService<T : BaseService>(val realService: T)` that would itself get data from the 
cache before calling `realService` , and would automatically save to cache when 
inserting to `realService`, propagating all calls to the actual service 

2. Repository for orchestrating use cases

- Aware of use cases, not of VM
- Some inter-usecase states could also be managed here if needed, in a separate caching Use case
- Or in properties in the repository

3. ViewModel for UI - Repo communication. UI State is also maintained here without it being aware of the UI

- Aware of Repo, not of UI
- Exposes functions it expects the user to make, which work with the existing state and repository(ies)
- Exposes livedata for observing changes to the state of the VM

4. UI. Aware of ViewModel only

- Aware of Vm, not of Repo or use case
- Application creates DI tree
- Sends actions to VM through calls in the VM (defined in the VM interface)
- Can get data from VM through 
    - the return value of the defined actions (e.g. `override suspend fun getX(): LiveData<List<x>>`, 
    - livedata properties defined in the VM interface that get updated independently of them 
    being queried, e.g. 
    returns some live data containing a value that is changed throughout other VM calls. 
    override fun getXLiveData() : LiveData<List<X>> = xLiveData


Pull, sync gradle and build

Implementation details:

  • async functionality
    • business logic:
      • suspend functions + different dispatchers used throughout the app
      • check out DispatcherProviders class and TestDispatcherProvider which runs blocking
    • UI:
      • callbacks through LiveData and Fragment.viewLifecycleOwner
      • state of async calls can be sent to the UI by wrapping the <T> LiveData type in a AsyncResource<T> which itself has states for Idle, Loading, Error and Success and properties relevant to those states. We set those states up in the ViewModel
  • UI:
    • Single activity
    • Nav controller or manually managing fragments on a back stack
  • DI: Koin
  • Net: Not needed, if needed: OkHttp, Retrofit, Gson, suspend functions