
Upgrade to Quasar v0.15

Closed this issue ยท 7 comments

km333 commented
Upgrade to Quasar v0.15
leob commented

Looks like a big upgrade ... @claustres you want me to take a shot at it?

Yes if you'd like you are also now owner of this project ;-). On my side I was waiting for v0.15 to stabilize until migrating my own projects (there has been something like 10 releases in the last month !).

leob commented

Sure, I'm also interested in it for an app that I'm developing ... I've read the change log, I'm impressed by the professionalism of the framework. Will have a look at the migration, I could write a followup 'migration' article on Medium.

leob commented

Need to work through this upgrade guide: ... will have a look at it tomorrow.

leob commented

The upgrade is done, the app works successfully with Quasar 0.15.10 now.

I'm leaving the issue open because we still need to update the text of the tutorial ( file) - some of the Quasar/Vue code isn't correct anymore for Quasar 0.15.10.

leob commented

README updated, closing the issue now.

Great job