
React component to display Imgix images

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

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imgix for React

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A React component that renders images using the imgix API. It uses the smallest images possible, and does cool stuff, like cropping to faces by default.


  • NPM: npm install react-imgix
  • Yarn: yarn add react-imgix

This module exports two transpiled versions. If a ES6-module-aware bundler is being used to consume this module, it will pick up an ES6 module version and can perform tree-shaking. If you are not using ES6 modules, you don't have to do anything


import Imgix from 'react-imgix'

// in react component
<Imgix src={string} />


src :: string, required

Usually in the form: https://[your_domain].imgix.net/[image]. Don't include any parameters.

aggressiveLoad :: bool, default = false

Whether to wait until the component has mounted to render the image, useful for auto-sizing and server-side rendering, defaults to false

auto :: array, default = ['format']

Array of values to pass to imgix's auto param

type :: string, default = 'img'

What kind of component to render, one of img, bg, picture, source.

component :: string, default = 'div'

Wrapper component to use when rendering a bg, defaults to div

className :: string

className applied to top level component. To set className on the image itself see imgProps.

entropy :: bool, default = false

Whether or not to crop using points of interest. See imgix API for more details.

faces :: bool, default = true

Whether to crop to faces

crop :: string

Sets specific crop, overriding faces and entropy flags. Useful for specifying fallbacks for faces like faces,top,right

fit :: string

See imgix's API, defaults to crop

fluid :: bool, default = true

Whether to fit the image requested to the size of the component rendered.

onMounted :: func

Called on componentDidMount with the mounted DOM node as an argument

precision :: number

Round to nearest x for image width and height, useful for caching, defaults to 100

height :: number

Force images to be a certain height, overrides precision

width :: number

Force images to be a certain width, overrides precision

defaultHeight :: number

Fallback height for images, useful for SSR or static site generation

defaultWidth :: number

Fallback width for images, useful for SSR or static site generation

generateSrcSet :: bool

Generate 2x and 3x src sets when using an <img> tag. Defaults to true

disableLibraryParam :: bool

By default this component adds a parameter to the generated url to help imgix with analytics and support for this library. This can be disabled by setting this prop to true.

customParams :: object

Any other imgix params to add to the image src

For example:

<Imgix customParams={{ mask: "ellipse" }} />

imgProps :: object

Any other attributes to add to the html node (example: alt, data-*, className)

Note: if you use type='bg' the css property background-size is set to 'cover' by default. To override this behaviour you can change the background size by overriding it with a string such as 'contain', or to null for controlling the style with CSS.

  imgProps={{ style: { backgroundSize: "contain" } }}

Picture Support

Using the element you can create responsive images:

<Imgix src={src} type="picture">
    imgProps={{ media: "(min-width: 768px)" }}
    imgProps={{ media: "(min-width: 320px)" }}
  <Imgix src={src} width={100} type="img" />

The final type='img' component will be created with the options passed into the parent <picture> container if it's not provided so the above is equivalent to:

<Imgix src={src} width={100} type="picture">
    imgProps={{ media: "(min-width: 768px)" }}
    imgProps={{ media: "(min-width: 320px)" }}

Browser Support

We support the latest version of Google Chrome (which automatically updates whenever it detects that a new version of the browser is available). We also support the current and previous major releases of desktop Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari on a rolling basis. Mobile support is tested on the most recent minor version of the current and previous major release for the default browser on iOS and Android (e.g., iOS 9.2 and 8.4). Each time a new version is released, we begin supporting that version and stop supporting the third most recent version.

This browser support is made possible by the great support from BrowserStack.


React-imgix was originally created by Frederick Fogerty. It's licensed under the ISC license (see the license file for more info). Any contribution is absolutely welcome, but please review the contribution guidelines before getting started.