
User can pass in extra parameters when opening an url

NorthStar opened this issue · 4 comments

An extra parameter could be call back or any data. It looks something like:

- (void)open:(NSString *)url 
    extraDefaultParams:(NSDictionary *)extraDefaultParams

Use case:

//.... in a viewController.m
   [self updateUserInfo];
   [[Routable sharedRouter] open:@"base/settings" 
                    extraDefaultParams:@{@"newTitle": self.userTitle}
                                     animated: YES];

I will try to be more creative in the sample app.

The wording of extraDefaultParams always confuses me, can defaults be "extra"?

I think extraParams is less confusing - maybe one of [extraParams, extraParameters, additionalParams, additionalParameters] has a better ring?

True. Extra default sounds super default, when it is meant to say that those parameters get higher priority than default parameters. What do you think it should be called?

open:withExtraParams:animated: ?
