
Changing number of flats not filling in number of plants

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I have copied last years plan to use to start this year's plan. Some plantings we are increasing or decreasing number of flats, but the associated fields are not increasing/decreasing after clicking "Save and Recalculate". Example: We want to grow 50 trays of Patterson onion, increased from 40 trays last year. The number of "plants to start" last year was 9600 but when I increased number of flats, "plants to start" stayed at 9600 when it should read 12000. Same goes for "row feet to plant" and "beds to plant". "Plants needed is at "0".
Flat size is filled in as number of cells per flat (80) in cropDB.
This is affecting the "units needed" for seed info, as well. Those are not updating, either.
Thoughts? Solutions?
I noticed this happens as well if I change the 'planned seeding date', none of the corresponding fields respond (transplant/harvest dates).
Thank you!

What color are the input fields/boxes? If they are white, then try clearing them (setting them to blank) and then "Save and Recalculate". If they are blue or green, then it's possible they are being calculated from a different field. In general, only 1 of the "amount" fields (flats, plants, yield) need to be white (set); if there are more, then it's not always clear what is being used to calculate the value.

Sorry for the delay; I don't spend much time working with this software anymore.