
A python manager for basic controls of an iOS application.


  1. Install Homebrew if not already installed /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. Update Homebrew brew update
  3. Uninstall previous versions of of tools to make sure they don't cause issues
    brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies usbmuxd libplist libimobiledevice ideviceinstaller ios-deploy
  4. Install command line tools and dependencies
    brew install --HEAD usbmuxd
    brew install --HEAD libplist
    brew install --HEAD libimobiledevice
    brew install ideviceinstaller
    brew install ios-deploy
    brew install python3
    npm install
    npm install pm2 -g


  1. git clone
  2. cd mlmanager
  3. cp config.example.json config.json
  4. Fill out the config file (more details in the options category below)
  5. Install python modules pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  6. Start the manager with pm2 start --interpreter=python3 or python3 if not using pm2


All time values are in seconds.

Variable Description Example Value
frontendURL url to rdm endpoint
user an admin username for rdm dashboard SiRNewTon
password password for associated rdm user noSQLisBeStQL
deviceHold time to wait before taking action a second time 300
restart determine if a device should be rebooted based off how long since the last update in rdm "restart": {
"enabled": false,
"threshold": 1800
install determine if a device should have the ipa installed based off how long since the last update in rdm "install": {
"enabled": true,
"threshold": 900
debug output debug statements to console true
heartbeatThreshold how often generic status messages should be printed to the console 300
saveScreenshots save device screenshots while monitoring device uptime, helpful for debugging false
devices devices to monitor and take action on. Leave empty to act on all attached devices. "devices": ["SE001", "SE002"]


Q: I receive a bunch of "Could not start screenshotr service!..." errors?
A: Make sure you have device support files for all attached devices. You can verify this via Xcode > Window > Devices and Simulators... If you have a yellow header like below then you need to install support files which can be obtained from iGhibli/iOS-DeviceSupport


device support files