
results are stale

Closed this issue · 3 comments

hi! thanks for this project - this is exactly what I was looking for :D

any idea why my results appear to be stale? I have only one logseq graph, which I've already set as my default:

; ~/.lq/config.edn
{:default-options {:graph "logseq"}}

running a sq on the command line:

$ lq sq -C '[[?b :block/refs ?bp] [?bp :block/name "my-tag"] (not (task ?b #{"DONE" "CANCELED" "WAITING"}))]'
- TODO item 1 [[my-tag]]
- TODO item 2 [[my-tag]]

- TODO item 3 [[my-tag]]

but when I look in my logseq "item 3" is very clearly already marked as DONE :/

also no idea if the extra newline after "item 2" is relevant - it doesn't appear to exist on the block in logseq, even opening up the journal in a text editor shows that there's no newline in that "item 2" block

going into the logseq app & running a re-index fixed the problem - but then how did the graph get out of sync in the first place? ideally I wouldn't have to re-index before running a query

looks like this was addressed in the nbb-logseq project: logseq/nbb-logseq#1 - now looking into making a script that will parse the graph every time

in any case this issue is obsolete!

here's the script I hacked up in case it helps anyone else

(ns query
  "Script that queries a local graph with given query"
  (:require [datascript.core :as d]
            [clojure.pprint :as pprint]
            [clojure.edn :as edn]
            [nbb.core :as nbb]
            [logseq.db.rules :as rules]
            [logseq.graph-parser.cli :as gp-cli]))

(defn -main
  (if-not (= 2 (count args))
    (println "Usage: $0 GRAPH-DIR QUERY")
    (let [[graph-dir query] args
          query' (edn/read-string query)
          add-rules-where? (not (contains? (set query') :where))
          add-rules-find? (not (contains? (set query') :find))
          add-rules-in? (not (contains? (set query') :in))
          query'' (if add-rules-where? (into [:where] query') query')
          query''' (if add-rules-find? (into query'' [:find '(pull ?b [*])]) query'')
          query'''' (if add-rules-in? (into query''' [:in '$ '%]) query''')
          {:keys [conn]} (gp-cli/parse-graph graph-dir {:verbose false})
          results (map first (apply d/q query'''' @conn [(vals rules/query-dsl-rules)]))]
      (pprint/pprint results))))

(when (= nbb/*file* (:file (meta #'-main)))
  (-main *command-line-args*))