
The code of augmentation

Opened this issue · 8 comments

Could you plz provide the code that augment 300W-LP to train_aug_120x120. I want to know how the PoseParam will change if an image is rotated or the bbox is perturbed. Thanks a lot!

Also need the aug code.

For 2D augmentation, are the 3DMM parameters calculated using HPEN code or just the pose matrix is changed?

For 2D augmentation, are the 3DMM parameters calculated using HPEN code or just the pose matrix is changed?

Just the pose matrix is changed.

Thanks for prompt reply.
How is t3d changed for 2d augmented (rotated and translated) images? Is it divided by some factor or based some formula?

Could you plz provide the code that augment 300W-LP to train_aug_120x120. I want to know how the PoseParam will change if an image is rotated or the bbox is perturbed. Thanks a lot!

do you have the code now?

I need the aug code, too.

Hello guys, I need the aug code too, did anyone get it?

Could you plz provide the code that augment 300W-LP to train_aug_120x120. I want to know how the PoseParam will change if an image is rotated or the bbox is perturbed. Thanks a lot!

Do you have the code?