
Training Dataset

zqq-judy opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello, I have some questions to ask.

  1. I have 300W_LP original dataset, but how to get the number of datasets in file, and I need the original 3DMM parameters corresponding to each photo. How to get the gt 3DMM parameters of the training data set, for example: pose parameter (1,7), shape parameter (199,1), expression parameter (29,1)?

  2. Link: 3DMM Fitting cannot be downloaded, and the error "The page cannot be found..." appears.

Can you share the 3DMM Fitting code?

Thank you for your reply. Best wishes!

I am looking 3dmm_edges, it can fit bfm model parameters from one image. but it does not support expression parameters fitting. I think you need modify it for expression.

Hello, I have some questions to ask.

  1. I have 300W_LP original dataset, but how to get the number of datasets in file, and I need the original 3DMM parameters corresponding to each photo. How to get the gt 3DMM parameters of the training data set, for example: pose parameter (1,7), shape parameter (199,1), expression parameter (29,1)?
  2. Link: 3DMM Fitting cannot be downloaded, and the error "The page cannot be found..." appears.

Can you share the 3DMM Fitting code?

Thank you for your reply. Best wishes!

hello~ Has your first problem been solved? May I ask you something?