
some questions in Face Profiling matlab code

lyyiangang opened this issue · 3 comments

I have some questions about the face profiling code.
function ImageMeshing need vertex_full and vertexm_full as inputs. My question is :

  1. what's the vertex_full and vertexm_full mean? and where they come from?
  2. how can I generate both values If I want to use your matlab code?





It seems that you fit BFM face model to a head model and make an offset from vertex_full to vertexm_full.

hi,do you know the answer now?

What is the main operation of this function? Is it to complete 3dmm into a complete model with back brain?

image What is the main operation of this function? Is it to complete 3dmm into a complete model with back brain?

It seems we need fit the face model with a head model. here is an example shows how to fit a BFM face model to FLAME head model. it should help you.