
Question about 3D Image Rotation.

quangtn266 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi authors and all, thank you for great job. I have one question about 3D Image Rotation. I currently implement rotation method based on face3d, but I meet one problem about background. According to your paper, I realize that face image is rotated with a background. It seems be very good. Can you explain it and share your code about that ?
Screenshot from 2021-11-16 09-34-54

Many thanks

hi, I have 300W_LP original dataset, but how to get the number of datasets in file?

hi, I have 300W_LP original dataset, but how to get the number of datasets in file?

I don't prepare data for training and just use pre-trained model for my research. However, I already read this paper, you can follow the below link from the author for more detail.