
Annotations files used in the paper for AFLW2000-3D

MartFire opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi @cleardusk

I'm currently working on a paper and I have questions about the annotations you used for AFLW2000-3D

In your repo 3DDFA there are several annotations files:
AFLW2000-3D.pts68.npy: old (not so accurate) landmark annotations
AFLW2000-3D-Reannotated.pts68.npy: newer (better) landmark annotations (are they the ones from the LS3D-W dataset)?
AFLW2000-3D.pose.npy: pose annotations from fitted models
AFLW2000-3D-new.pose.npy: pose annotations from AFLW
AFLW2000-3D_crop_roi_box.npy: roi crop annotations

So I'm wondering which files for landmark and pose did you use for the results reported in your paper "Towards Fast, Accurate and Stable 3D Dense Face Alignment"?

Also, did you use the roi crop annotations for the evaluation or a face detector like FaceBoxes?

Thank you in advance for your reply