Cannot remove 'int.reads_vs_annoted.blast.out' file
pauram opened this issue · 0 comments
pauram commented
I've installed dnaPipeTE and I've noticed a bug while running the test run (already cited in the README file)
### Blast 3 : raw reads against unannoted repeats ###
blast3 command:
/largeStorage/paula/dnaPipeTE/bin/ncbi-blast-2.2.28+/bin//makeblastdb -in output_folder_test/Annotation/unannoted.fasta -out output_folder_test/blast_out/blast3_db.fasta -dbtype 'nucl' && cat output_folder_test/blast_out/unmatching_reads1.fasta | /largeStorage/paula/dnaPipeTE/bin/parallel -j 1 --block 100k --recstart '>' --pipe /largeStorage/paula/dnaPipeTE/bin/ncbi-blast-2.2.28+/bin//blastn -outfmt 6 -task dc-megablast -db output_folder_test/blast_out/blast3_db.fasta -query - > output_folder_test/blast_out/reads_vs_unannoted.blast.out
Building a new DB, current time: 07/16/2021 12:16:46
New DB name: output_folder_test/blast_out/blast3_db.fasta
New DB title: output_folder_test/Annotation/unannoted.fasta
Sequence type: Nucleotide
Keep Linkouts: T
Keep MBits: T
Maximum file size: 1000000000B
Adding sequences from FASTA; added 2 sequences in 0.000349045 seconds.
When using programs that use GNU Parallel to process data for publication please cite:
O. Tange (2011): GNU Parallel - The Command-Line Power Tool,
;login: The USENIX Magazine, February 2011:42-47.
This helps funding further development; and it won't cost you a cent.
To silence this citation notice run 'parallel --bibtex' once or use '--no-notice'.
Parsing blast3 output...
rm: cannot remove 'output_folder_test/blast_out/int.reads_vs_annoted.blast.out': No such file or directory
I've checked the code and I've found out the file was already being deleted by a previous function (blast2_run
). I'm pretty sure the 595th line of
is miswritten and the file that needs to be deleted is int.reads_vs_unannoted.blast.out
instead of int.reads_vs_annoted.blast.out
I saw other users had the same error (#12).