
Description of a name space is at the bottom of the page

edgar-koster opened this issue · 3 comments

The description you put in the comments for a namespace is right at the bottom of the page. Is there a possibility to place it at the top, say make it look more like the method section (remove the purple bar then). So you get 'title', 'attributes', 'description', 'properties'

I'm happy to tweak it and provide it as an update, but then I'ld need a point which file it is. I found a template file for the methods but not for the namespace otherwise I could see to add a boolean parameter and toggle it or something

hard to say, as I am not original developer myself :)
But it could be around here:

No problem. I'm getting there. Indeed I first changed the container.tmpl.


<?js } else if (doc.kind === 'class') { ?>
    <?js= self.partial('method.tmpl', doc) ?>
<?js } else { ?>


<?js } else if (doc.kind === 'class') { ?>
    <?js= self.partial('method.tmpl', doc) ?>
<?js } else if (doc.kind === 'namespace') { ?>
    <?js= self.partial('namespace.tmpl', doc) ?>
<?js } else { ?>

Then I copied method.tmpl to interface.tmpl. Right now it looks like:

var data = obj;
var self = this;

<?js if (data.kind !== 'module' && data.description) { ?>
<div class="description usertext">
    <?js= data.description ?>
<?js } ?>

<?js= this.partial('details.tmpl', data) ?>

<?js if (data.augments && data.alias && data.alias.indexOf('module:') === 0) { ?>
    <?js= self.partial('augments.tmpl', data) ?>
<?js } ?>

<?js if (kind === 'event' && data.type && data.type.names) {?>
            <?js= self.partial('type.tmpl', data.type.names) ?>
<?js } ?>

<?js if (data['this']) { ?>
    <ul><li><?js= this.linkto(data['this'], data['this']) ?></li></ul>
<?js } ?>

<?js if (data.examples && examples.length) { ?>
    <h5>Example<?js= examples.length > 1? 's':'' ?></h5>
    <?js= this.partial('examples.tmpl', examples) ?>
<?js } ?>

<?js if (data.params && params.length) { ?>
    <?js= this.partial('params.tmpl', params) ?>
<?js } ?>

<?js if (data.kind !== 'module' && data.requires && data.requires.length) { ?>
<ul><?js data.requires.forEach(function(r) { ?>
    <li><?js= self.linkto(r) ?></li>
<?js }); ?></ul>
<?js } ?>

<?js if (data.fires && fires.length) { ?>
<ul><?js fires.forEach(function(f) { ?>
    <li><?js= self.linkto(f) ?></li>
<?js }); ?></ul>
<?js } ?>

<?js if (data.listens && listens.length) { ?>
<h5>Listens to Events:</h5>
<ul><?js listens.forEach(function(f) { ?>
    <li><?js= self.linkto(f) ?></li>
<?js }); ?></ul>
<?js } ?>

<?js if (data.listeners && listeners.length) { ?>
<h5>Listeners of This Event:</h5>
<ul><?js listeners.forEach(function(f) { ?>
    <li><?js= self.linkto(f) ?></li>
<?js }); ?></ul>
<?js } ?>

<?js if (data.modifies && modifies.length) {?>		
<?js if (modifies.length > 1) { ?><ul><?js		
    modifies.forEach(function(m) { ?>		
        <li><?js= self.partial('modifies.tmpl', m) ?></li>		
    <?js });		
?></ul><?js } else {		
    modifies.forEach(function(m) { ?>		
        <?js= self.partial('modifies.tmpl', m) ?>		
    <?js });		
} } ?>

<?js if (data.exceptions && exceptions.length) { ?>
<?js if (exceptions.length > 1) { ?><ul><?js
    exceptions.forEach(function(r) { ?>
        <li><?js= self.partial('exceptions.tmpl', r) ?></li>
    <?js });
?></ul><?js } else {
    exceptions.forEach(function(r) { ?>
        <?js= self.partial('exceptions.tmpl', r) ?>
    <?js });
} } ?>

<?js if (data.returns && returns.length) { ?>
<?js if (returns.length > 1) { ?><ul><?js
    returns.forEach(function(r) { ?>
        <li><?js= self.partial('returns.tmpl', r) ?></li>
    <?js });
?></ul><?js } else {
    returns.forEach(function(r) { ?>
        <?js= self.partial('returns.tmpl', r) ?>
    <?js });
} } ?>

<?js if (data.yields && yields.length) { ?>		
<?js if (yields.length > 1) { ?><ul><?js		
    yields.forEach(function(r) { ?>		
        <li><?js= self.partial('returns.tmpl', r) ?></li>		
    <?js });		
?></ul><?js } else {		
    yields.forEach(function(r) { ?>		
        <?js= self.partial('returns.tmpl', r) ?>		
    <?js });		
} } ?>

Now it's not 100% I like, but that is a bit more tweaking with if statements containing doc.kind === 'namespace'.