
AUG 19th - World Humanitarian Day

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Today, on World Humanitarian Day, we honor the heroes who dedicate their lives to helping others, often in the most challenging circumstances.

At CLENT Africa, we are committed to humanitarian efforts that promote sustainable development and environmental conservation. Whether it's providing clean energy solutions to remote communities or empowering locals with sustainable practices, our mission is rooted in compassion and action.
Let’s reflect on how we can all contribute to humanitarian efforts in our daily lives. Share your thoughts or a story of a humanitarian who inspires you.

#WorldHumanitarianDay #HumanitarianHeroes #SustainableDevelopment #CLENTAfrica #CompassionInAction

@clentafrica/wg-design @erioc

@clentafrica/wg-design @erioc just a reminder to start working on this design as we approach August 19th. Thank you :)

I would make the design available before the end of tomorrow, 15th.

@Okpeelizabeth1989 to post on instagram and Facebook @erioc to post on twitter. I will post on LinkedIn

Due August 19