
Trending Tuesday 16th July Post

Closed this issue · 6 comments

From vast solar farms harnessing the sun’s power to innovative wind turbines capturing the breeze, these advancements are transforming Africa’s energy landscape.

What’s your favorite renewable energy innovation and how do you think Africa can upscale and do better? Let’s talk!

#TrendingTuesday #RenewableTrends #CleanEnergy #AfricaTech #ClimateTech

@SDauphin15 please post on LinkedIn, @Okpeelizabeth1989 Please post on facebook and instagram while i post on twitter, thank you.

From vast solar farms harnessing the sun’s power to innovative wind turbines capturing the breeze, these advancements are transforming Africa’s energy landscape.

What’s your favorite renewable energy innovation and how do you think Africa can upscale and do better? Let’s talk!

#TrendingTuesday #RenewableTrends #CleanEnergy #AfricaTech #ClimateTech #SustainableGrowth #RenewableEnergy #CLENTAfrica #FutureGenerations #sustainability #climatechange #climateaction



I just posted it too

Thank you team @SDauphin15 & @Okpeelizabeth1989. I am closing this issue now since we’re done.