
Add list of Cleveland based companies

Closed this issue · 6 comments

See this link for a starter list

This will probably require an admin interface as well as a link to have folks request to have their company added to the list. (Those could be tracked as separate issues if you like).

It might be neat to use the Portfolio styles from our bootstrap theme for this.

screenshot 2018-09-18 12 54 23

I think that would look really nice if we could find a logo for each company. You can see the HTML used to create that section here.

@joelbyler I'm going to create separate issues for those so that folks could work on them in parallel at the hack night. (This feature could also be implemented by itself -- i.e. we could start with a hardcoded HTML list of the current companies, then move to a database-driven list with admin interface, then add a public-facing form for people to request their company be added)

@schneidmaster makes perfect sense. Thanks!

I feel like just utilizing github issues on the site repo would be a decent way for companies to request to be put on the site

The list

  • RVshare
  • Coffee and Code
  • CoverMyMeds
  • LevelSeven
  • Within3,
  • University Tees(?)
  • LeanDog(?)
  • VHT