
The German file does not have the correct Typescipt type.

alamenai opened this issue · 3 comments

Preliminary Checks

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  1. Go to custom localization doc
  2. Create a custom localization file named auth-de.ts.
  3. Copy and paste the content of German translation

Then I faced these Typescript issue:




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The same issue for the EN-US file.


Sorry to hear you're running into an issue. To help us best begin debugging the underlying cause, it is incredibly helpful if you're able to create a minimal reproduction. This is a simplified example of the issue that makes it clear and obvious what the issue is and how we can begin to debug it.

Can you also provide the output for this command in the terminal?

npm ls @clerk/types

I'm suspecting you're using an incorrect version.

Thanks for using Clerk!

Hi @LekoArts , thank you for your reply.

I resolved the issue by importing the i18n files from the @clerk/localizations instead of copying/pasting them.

The issue was that the current i18n files ( translations ) are following the deprectaed properties in the clerk/types.