Next.js latest (14.2.0) + Clerk + tRPC + Turbo - fails "createContext only works in Client Components"
AlonMiz opened this issue · 13 comments
Preliminary Checks
- I have reviewed the documentation:
- I have searched for existing issues:
- I have not already reached out to Clerk support via email or Discord (if you have, no need to open an issue here)
- This issue is not a question, general help request, or anything other than a bug report directly related to Clerk. Please ask questions in our Discord community:
not yet
Publishable key
Steps to reproduce:
- when upgrading to next 14.2.0 see this error
- accessing a trpc API route
Expected behavior:
would not expect the usage of context in a server route. there's shouldn't be a 'use client' as this is a pure API route
Actual behavior:
erroring on every trpc route
createContext only works in Client Components. Add the "use client" directive at the top of the file to use it. Read more:
at //.next/server/chunks/node_modules_@clerk_78c87f._.js:149:247
at [project]/node_modules/@clerk/clerk-react/dist/esm/contexts/StructureContext.js [app-route] (ecmascript) (//.next/server/chunks/node_modules_@clerk_78c87f._.js:168:3)
at instantiateModule (//.next/server/chunks/[turbopack]_runtime.js:520:23)
at getOrInstantiateModuleFromParent (//.next/server/chunks/[turbopack]_runtime.js:572:12)
at esmImport (//.next/server/chunks/[turbopack]_runtime.js:122:20)
at //.next/server/chunks/node_modules_@clerk_78c87f._.js:1419:194
at [project]/node_modules/@clerk/clerk-react/dist/esm/contexts/ClerkProvider.js [app-route] (ecmascript) <locals> (//.next/server/chunks/node_modules_@clerk_78c87f._.js:1462:3)
at instantiateModule (//.next/server/chunks/[turbopack]_runtime.js:520:23)
at getOrInstantiateModuleFromParent (//.next/server/chunks/[turbopack]_runtime.js:572:12)
at esmImport (//.next/server/chunks/[turbopack]_runtime.js:122:20)
at //.next/server/chunks/node_modules_@clerk_nextjs_dist_esm_8c7ace._.js:146:207
at [project]/node_modules/@clerk/nextjs/dist/esm/app-router/client/ClerkProvider.js [app-route] (ecmascript) (//.next/server/chunks/node_modules_@clerk_nextjs_dist_esm_8c7ace._.js:191:3)
at instantiateModule (//.next/server/chunks/[turbopack]_runtime.js:520:23)
at getOrInstantiateModuleFromParent (//.next/server/chunks/[turbopack]_runtime.js:572:12)
at esmImport (//.next/server/chunks/[turbopack]_runtime.js:122:20)
at //.next/server/chunks/node_modules_@clerk_nextjs_dist_esm_8c7ace._.js:924:198
at [project]/node_modules/@clerk/nextjs/dist/esm/app-router/server/ClerkProvider.js [app-route] (ecmascript) (//.next/server/chunks/node_modules_@clerk_nextjs_dist_esm_8c7ace._.js:943:3)
at instantiateModule (//.next/server/chunks/[turbopack]_runtime.js:520:23)
at getOrInstantiateModuleFromParent (//.next/server/chunks/[turbopack]_runtime.js:572:12)
at esmImport (//.next/server/chunks/[turbopack]_runtime.js:122:20)
at //.next/server/chunks/node_modules_@clerk_nextjs_dist_esm_8c7ace._.js:1002:198
at [project]/node_modules/@clerk/nextjs/dist/esm/components.server.js [app-route] (ecmascript) <exports> (//.next/server/chunks/node_modules_@clerk_nextjs_dist_esm_8c7ace._.js:1007:3)
at instantiateModule (//.next/server/chunks/[turbopack]_runtime.js:520:23)
at getOrInstantiateModuleFromParent (//.next/server/chunks/[turbopack]_runtime.js:572:12)
at esmImport (//.next/server/chunks/[turbopack]_runtime.js:122:20)
at //.next/server/chunks/node_modules_@clerk_nextjs_dist_esm_8c7ace._.js:1018:195
at [project]/node_modules/@clerk/nextjs/dist/esm/components.server.js [app-route] (ecmascript) <facade> (//.next/server/chunks/node_modules_@clerk_nextjs_dist_esm_8c7ace._.js:1021:3)
at instantiateModule (//.next/server/chunks/[turbopack]_runtime.js:520:23)
at getOrInstantiateModuleFromParent (//.next/server/chunks/[turbopack]_runtime.js:572:12)
at esmImport (//.next/server/chunks/[turbopack]_runtime.js:122:20)
at //.next/server/chunks/node_modules_@clerk_nextjs_dist_esm_8c7ace._.js:1668:194
at [project]/node_modules/@clerk/nextjs/dist/esm/index.js [app-route] (ecmascript) <locals> (//.next/server/chunks/node_modules_@clerk_nextjs_dist_esm_8c7ace._.js:1690:3)
at instantiateModule (//.next/server/chunks/[turbopack]_runtime.js:520:23)
at getOrInstantiateModuleFromParent (//.next/server/chunks/[turbopack]_runtime.js:572:12)
at esmImport (//.next/server/chunks/[turbopack]_runtime.js:122:20)
at //.next/server/chunks/_86e9fa._.js:56:179
at [project]/src/server/api/trpc.ts [app-route] (ecmascript) (//.next/server/chunks/_86e9fa._.js:119:3)
at instantiateModule (//.next/server/chunks/[turbopack]_runtime.js:520:23)
at getOrInstantiateModuleFromParent (//.next/server/chunks/[turbopack]_runtime.js:572:12)
at esmImport (//.next/server/chunks/[turbopack]_runtime.js:122:20)
at //.next/server/chunks/_86e9fa._.js:11614:134
at asyncModule (//.next/server/chunks/[turbopack]_runtime.js:279:5)
at //.next/server/chunks/_86e9fa._.js:11610:1
at [project]/src/server/api/root.ts [app-route] (ecmascript) (//.next/server/chunks/_86e9fa._.js:11711:3)
at instantiateModule (//.next/server/chunks/[turbopack]_runtime.js:520:23)
at getOrInstantiateModuleFromParent (//.next/server/chunks/[turbopack]_runtime.js:572:12)
at esmImport (//.next/server/chunks/[turbopack]_runtime.js:122:20)
at //.next/server/chunks/_86e9fa._.js:11722:134
at asyncModule (//.next/server/chunks/[turbopack]_runtime.js:279:5)
at //.next/server/chunks/_86e9fa._.js:11715:1 {
page: '/api/trpc/users.get'
OS: macOS 14.4.1
CPU: (8) arm64 Apple M1 Pro
Memory: 75.30 MB / 32.00 GB
Shell: 5.9 - /bin/zsh
Node: 20.11.0 - ~/.volta/tools/image/node/20.11.0/bin/node
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Brave Browser:
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sharp: ^0.33.3 => 0.33.3
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typescript: 5.4.5 => 5.4.5
vitest: 1.5.0 => 1.5.0
zod: 3.22.4 => 3.22.4
zustand: 4.5.2 => 4.5.2
Hello @AlonMiz , thanks for the report.
It looks like something prevents tree-shaking from working when next builds the server modulel. I'd like to ask a few questions that will help the team further debug this one:
- In the file that throws the error, are you importing the Clerk helpers from
? Could you try importing from/server
and see if that resolves your issue? - Does this work if you switch to webpack by removing the
flag? - Did your exact setup work with next@14.1?
It'd be great if you could share a minimum reproduction as you are using many different libs (Clerk, tRPC, Next, Turbo) that could affect how modules are resolved.
Thank you!
I experienced the same issue when updating to next@14.2.0 when importing from @clerk/nextjs
in api route handlers.
My exact setup did work with next@14.1.4 using the --turbo
I can confirm that both solutions mentioned by @nikosdouvlis:
importing from @clerk/nextjs/server
in api route handlers,
or removing the --turbo
along with both solutions combined, resolved the error in my use case.
just a note here, I had the same on a simple project, without trpc. (so just 14.2, clerk + turbo ). i confirmed it only happens when you --turbo
Hello @AlonMiz , thanks for the report.
It looks like something prevents tree-shaking from working when next builds the server modulel. I'd like to ask a few questions that will help the team further debug this one:
- In the file that throws the error, are you importing the Clerk helpers from
? Could you try importing from/server
and see if that resolves your issue?- Does this work if you switch to webpack by removing the
flag?- Did your exact setup work with next@14.1?
It'd be great if you could share a minimum reproduction as you are using many different libs (Clerk, tRPC, Next, Turbo) that could affect how modules are resolved.
Thank you!
- adding
doesn't help - yes, without the --turbo it does help
- yes only on next 14.2 it stops working
Is there any progress on this issue? We've encountered numerous problems with Clerk since upgrading to App Router over the past few months. Due to these ongoing issues, we are starting to seriously consider other alternatives on the market.
Additionally, I've verified that appending /server to the configuration does not resolve the issue. I also attempted to upgrade to Clerk Core 2 Beta, but we continue to face the same challenges. Although removing the --turbo flag does mitigate the problem, it significantly increases our page load times by several seconds, which is not a viable solution for us.
@DennizSvens would you be able to email with some of the other problems you're running into with Clerk and App Router? You can reference this issue and we'll follow up.
Unfortunately no updates on this specific issue yet. We'll provide an update when someone from the team has started investigating. We know --turbo is a significant performance improvement to Next's dev server, so we want to make sure Clerk works with it when turbo is stable. 🙏
latest clerk + latest next js does compile (seems like turbopack fixed something on their side)
"@clerk/clerk-sdk-node": "5.0.0",
"@clerk/nextjs": "5.0.1",
"@clerk/themes": "2.0.0",
"next": "14.2.2",
Hello @AlonMiz , Why do you use both
great question
i needed some types, specifically
and Organization
that I couldn't find easily in @clerk/nextjs
now I also notice that there's no clerkClient in the next js package :/ so this would probably be a pretty bad for me loading those two bundles
also, I have another issue now working with cypress
Hello @AlonMiz , Why do you use both
?great question i needed some types, specifically
that I couldn't find easily in@clerk/nextjs
now I also notice that there's no clerkClient in the next js package :/ so this would probably be a pretty bad for me loading those two bundlesalso, I have another issue now working with cypress clerk/example-cypress-nextjs#7
You can now import the Organization
from the @clerk/nextjs/server
. What is your use case related to the RedirectUrlJSON
About the cypress issue we will investigate it and reply in the related GH issue.
UPDATE latest clerk + latest next js does compile (seems like turbopack fixed something on their side)
"@clerk/clerk-sdk-node": "5.0.0", "@clerk/nextjs": "5.0.1", "@clerk/themes": "2.0.0", "next": "14.2.2",
v5 is basically a whole new Core, and as such not everyone will want to use it.
Is there not a backport fix for the v4 line ?
Hello @AlonMiz , Why do you use both
?great question i needed some types, specifically
that I couldn't find easily in@clerk/nextjs
now I also notice that there's no clerkClient in the next js package :/ so this would probably be a pretty bad for me loading those two bundles
also, I have another issue now working with cypress clerk/example-cypress-nextjs#7You can now import the
from the@clerk/nextjs/server
. What is your use case related to theRedirectUrlJSON
?About the cypress issue we will investigate it and reply in the related GH issue.
thanks, I hope this gets fixed soon, as I was planning to upgrade the core API already.
regarding the RedirectUrlJSON, I am creating an actor token for impersonation. and I couldn't find the return type that matches
const res = await fetch('', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
Authorization: `Bearer ${env.CLERK_SECRET_KEY}`,
body: JSON.stringify({
user_id: userIdToImpersonate,
expires_in_seconds: 600,
actor: {
sub: userId,
const actorToken = (await res.json()) as RedirectUrlJSON;
I'm closing this again since the original issue got fixed / fixed itself. In order to properly track your request and others we must make sure that issues are not mixed together and multiple people are not talking about different things in a singular issue. It also makes it harder to actually fix in the end since things like minimal reproductions are missing again.
Please open a new issue about your type issues. Thanks!