
Clerk wrongly redirects to `/factor-one` route

oferitz opened this issue · 1 comments

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My Clerk account configured as follows




  1. User invited to organization
  2. User signed up with email and password
  3. User assigned to organization and successfully signed in with email and password
  4. User Logged out.

Now this is where things starting to get messy:

  1. After logout user is again in the sign in page and no password input (is that intentional?)


  1. User entering his email again and clicking "CONTINUE"


  1. User is being redirected to /factor-one route which from my understanding is related to MFA which is turned off in the settings as you can see above.


What is going on here?


    OS: macOS 14.4.1
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    @biomejs/biome: 1.6.3 => 1.6.3
    @clerk/clerk-sdk-node: 4.13.14 => 4.13.14
    @clerk/nextjs: 4.29.12 => 4.29.12
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    @clerk/types: 3.63.0 => 3.63.0
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OK, so apparently, this is not an issue per se but rather a lack of documentation. This is just with Next, where you need to use their optional catch-all for sign-up and sign-in, e.g., app/sign-in/[[...sign]]/page.tsx. The [[...sign-in]] captures the /factor-one or other routes for the component.
My sign-in page was the root page and therefore didn't catch the factor-one route.

You can close the issue, but I'm leaving it open as a reminder that you might want to consider better documentation around this.