e.clearFeedback is not a function. (In 'e.clearFeedback()', 'e.clearFeedback' is undefined)
danilofuchs opened this issue · 3 comments
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Publishable key
We have been receiving this error in Sentry, in our sign-up page:
e.clearFeedback is not a function. (In 'e.clearFeedback()', 'e.clearFeedback' is undefined)
Does not break anything, but I guessed it would be nice to let you know
OS: Linux 6.9 Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS
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Sorry for the late response and thanks for opening an issue. I clicked on the Sentry link but it doesn't display me anything beside a login page. Do you need to make this public? Or would you be able to create a minimal reproduction?
On the few sign-up pages I tried I didn't get this error and the code itself is not in our codebase.
Hello 👋
In an effort to keep our GitHub issues clean and focused, we close any issues that are awaiting a reproduction after 8 days on inactivity, and it has been 7 days. This issue will be closed tomorrow unless a reproduction is provided. If it takes longer than this to get a reproduction, that's ok, just drop a comment and we will remove the Stale label.
How to create a minimal reproduction
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After 8 days without a reproduction being supplied, we are closing this issue. Keep in mind, I'm just a robot, so if I've closed this issue in error, please reply here and my human colleagues will reopen it. Likewise if a reproduction is prepared after it has been closed.