Facing Nextjs Relative URL Issues in Next.js Middleware with tRPC on Edge Runtime (Cloudflare)
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Preliminary Checks
I have reviewed the documentation: https://clerk.com/docs
I have searched for existing issues: https://github.com/clerk/javascript/issues
I have not already reached out to Clerk support via email or Discord (if you have, no need to open an issue here)
This issue is not a question, general help request, or anything other than a bug report directly related to Clerk. Please ask questions in our Discord community: https://clerk.com/discord.
Publishable key
Steps to reproduce:
- Middleware Setup
const isPublicRoute = createRouteMatcher(['/sign-in(.*)']);
export default clerkMiddleware((auth, request) => {
if (!isPublicRoute(request)) {
const requestHeaders = new Headers(request.headers);
const pathname = new URL(request.url).pathname;
requestHeaders.set('x-pathname', pathname);
const response = NextResponse.next({
request: {
headers: requestHeaders,
return response;
export const config = {
matcher: [
// Skip Next.js internals and all static files, unless found in search params
// Always run for API routes
- Creating TRPC Server-Side Calls:
export const createCallerFactory = t.createCallerFactory;
export const createCaller = createCallerFactory(appRouter);
export const createQueryClient = () =>
new QueryClient({
defaultOptions: {
queries: {
// With SSR, we usually want to set some default staleTime
// above 0 to avoid refetching immediately on the client
staleTime: 30 * 1000,
dehydrate: {
serializeData: SuperJSON.serialize,
shouldDehydrateQuery: (query) => defaultShouldDehydrateQuery(query) || query.state.status === 'pending',
hydrate: {
deserializeData: SuperJSON.deserialize,
const createContext = async () => {
const heads = new Headers(headers());
const user = await currentUser();
return {
auth: getAuth(new NextRequest(heads.get('host') ?? '', { headers: heads })),
const getQueryClient = createQueryClient;
const caller = createCaller(createContext);
export const { trpc: api, HydrateClient } = createHydrationHelpers<AppRouter>(caller, getQueryClient);
- Calling tRPC in a Server Component:
import { api } from '@/trpc/server';
export const runtime = 'edge';
export default async function Layout({ children }: PropsWithChildren) {
const pathname = headers().get('x-pathname') ?? '/';
const pendingCourses = await api.course.pendingCourses();
return null
Expected behavior:
I expect to retrieve the pendingBookings from the server component when running on Cloudflare's edge runtime.
Actual behavior:
The following error is encountered:
Error: URL is malformed \"....pages.dev\". Please use only absolute URLs - https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/middleware-relative-urls
OS: macOS 14.3.1
CPU: (8) arm64 Apple M2
Memory: 819.66 MB / 16.00 GB
Shell: 5.9 - /bin/zsh
Node: 20.17.0 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v20.17.0/bin/node
npm: 10.8.2 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v20.17.0/bin/npm
pnpm: 9.9.0 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v20.17.0/bin/pnpm
bun: 1.1.26 - ~/Documents/stay-vacani/stay-vacani-mono/node_modules/.bin/bun
Watchman: 2024.05.06.00 - /opt/homebrew/bin/watchman
Brave Browser:
Chrome: 128.0.6613.120
Safari: 17.3.1
@cloudflare/next-on-pages: 1.13.2 => 1.13.2
@cloudflare/workers-types: 4.20240815.0 => 4.20240815.0
@tanstack/react-query: 5.51.24 => 5.51.24
@trpc/client: next => 11.0.0-rc.502+2a8c56027
@trpc/react-query: next => 11.0.0-rc.502+2a8c56027
@trpc/server: next => 11.0.0-rc.502+2a8c56027
next: 14.2.5 => 14.2.5
react: 18.3.1 => 18.3.1
react-dom: 18.2.0 => 18.2.0
superjson: 2.2.1 => 2.2.1
typescript: 5.5.4 => 5.5.4
@clerk/nextjs: 5.3.4 => 5.3.4