
Client "piggybacking" does not work, which causes skipped re-renders on many sign-in operations

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I apologize for not providing a minimal reproduction, I am currently in a rush. To compensate, I did some deep debugging and have identified the cause of the bug, which I describe below.


In any client-side React runtime, signIn.attemptFirstFactor() does not cause a re-render of the useSignIn() hook, meaning that components who are subscribed to that hook do not get re-rendered. This also happens for various other signIn operations as well, but this is the one that sent me down a rabbit hole for hours.

The reason this happens is because of the following function, which is supposed to ultimately trigger the re-render but actually doesn't:

protected static _updateClient<J>(responseJSON: FapiResponseJSON<J> | null): void {
if (!responseJSON) {
// TODO: Revise Client piggybacking
const client = responseJSON.client || responseJSON.meta?.client;
if (client && BaseResource.clerk) {

The issue is on line 88: BaseResource.clerk and Client.getInstance() resolve to the same object. Because of this, the same Client object gets mutated instead of a copy being created, and therefore, the React memoization logic fails.

The React memoization logic I'm referring to is the stateWithMemoizedResources function, which invokes clientChanged to determine if the client object has changed. Although the logic of clientChanged is correct, because of the above, the function actually always returns false, even if the client was updated. The reason this is happening is because prev and next are the same object.

function clientChanged(prev: ClientResource, next: ClientResource): boolean {
return ( !== ||
prev.updatedAt!.getTime() < next.updatedAt!.getTime() ||
prev.sessions.length !== next.sessions.length

How to reproduce this issue

I will fill this in later if needed. However, the above should be easy to validate by checking that prev === next in every invocation of clientChanged.


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