
UserButton not compatible with ShadCN sidebar on mobile

stargeneration-winston opened this issue · 3 comments

Preliminary Checks


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Steps to reproduce:

  1. Place UserButton on shadcn sidebar
  2. Open in mobile and try to use manage account or sign out

Expected behavior:

To be able to view the menus.

Actual behavior:

Sidebar is closed. Even if i delete the invisible layer preventing the click through devtools, it becomes a black screen.


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Hi 👋

I tried to watch the reproduction but I got the error Sorry, you don't have permission!

To help us effectively debug the issue you're experiencing, it would be incredibly helpful if you could create a minimal reproduction. This is a simplified example that clearly demonstrates the problem, making it easier for us to identify and address the root cause.

Thanks for using Clerk!

I have the same issue as well. The options on the userButton menu where the userbutton itself is inside a mobile sidebar, is not clickable. I never opened an issue because our site was not too concerned about mobile users. If the cant log out they cant lol

Here is a similar reproduction using the sidebar component

A way to "fix" this issue is to add the following css. There is probably a better way to fix this but at least this provides a workaround

.cl-organizationSwitcherPopoverRootBox {
  pointer-events: auto;

Also connecting the related issue on shadcn shadcn-ui/ui#5462