
Passing additional flags to glab repo clone doesn't work

andrewducker opened this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug

Passing additional flags to glab repo clone produces an error

Steps to reproduce the behavior

As per #1456 I tried to run glab repo clone -g my/group/of/repos -p --paginate -- --depth 1

Expected vs actual behavior

I expected it to clone all of those repos with depth 1.

Instead I got the output from git repeatedly, fatal: Too many arguments.


It works fine if I leave off the -- --depth 1 - so I assume the issue is with the flag passing.

Did you mean to open this in ? This repo is for gh, the CLI for GitHub.

Hah! Serves me right for having too many tabs open! Please close, and I'll go open it in the right place!

Sorry about that!

Haha no problem. Good luck!