
See *who* added a label

RedYetiDev opened this issue · 5 comments

Describe the feature or problem you’d like to solve

The --json label return mode of gh pr view should also include an added_by field, to show who added a given label

Proposed solution

This will benefit security, as workflows can be controlled via who had permission to add a given label

Hey, thanks for the feature request.

Does this actually exist in the API? I don't see it for the Label object:

It doesn't exist in the API, but I'd love to see it as a feature for both the API and the CLI

I can pass your request on to the team that owns the API (without it we can't do anything in the CLI) but perhaps you could describe your use case a little more to help motivate the idea. I don't really understand what you want to do with this new field in workflows.