
`gh cs ssh` output `getting full codespace details: error making request: received response with status code 500`

char8x opened this issue · 0 comments

Describe the bug

gh cs ssh output getting full codespace details: error making request: received response with status code 500

❯ gh --version
gh version 2.48.0 (2024-04-17)

❯ gh auth status
  ✓ Logged in to account char8x (keyring)
  - Active account: true
  - Git operations protocol: ssh
  - Token: github_pat_xxxxxxxx_***********************************************************

Steps to reproduce the behavior

# local environment check codespaces name
❯ gh cs list --json name --jq

# check ssh service in codespaces
❯ service --status-all
 [ ? ]
 [ - ]  procps
 [ - ]  rsync
 [ + ]  ssh
 [ - ]  sudo

# try to ssh connect to codespaces
❯ gh cs ssh -c literate-tribble-xxxxxxx
getting full codespace details: error making request: received response with status code 500

# try to ssh connect to codespaces with specific key
❯ gh cs ssh -c literate-tribble-xxxxxxx -- -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
getting full codespace details: error making request: received response with status code 500

# try to debug ssh connect
❯ gh cs ssh -c literate-tribble-xxxxxxx --debug --debug-file ghcli_debug
getting full codespace details: error making request: received response with status code 500
# no debug file generated
❯ ls ghcli_debug
ls: ghcli_debug: No such file or directory

Expected vs actual behavior

Expect to connect to codespaces successfully


Paste the activity from your command line. Redact if needed.