
Referencing the upstream/remote PR branch

Rob-Hague opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe the feature or problem you’d like to solve

Often I want to checkout a PR with gh pr checkout NNN and then reference the upstream/"remote-tracking branch" in some way, e.g. git log @{u} or git reset @{u}. Unfortunately, because of the way the branch is configured, I cannot refer to the upstream branch in this way. The error is something like "fatal: upstream branch 'refs/heads/XXX' not stored as a remote-tracking branch".

Proposed solution

I don't have a great solution in mind. The cli currently configures the branch like so:

branch.<name>.remote=<fork url>
branch.<name>.pushremote=<fork url>

My first thought was just to set branch.<name>.remote=upstream and branch.<name>.merge=refs/pull/NNN/head, but it seems one cannot push to refs/pull/*.

Then I thought to add back branch.<name>.pushremote=<fork url> but AFAICT there exists no branch-level config for defining the refspec to push to, i.e. a push version of branch.<name>.merge. (We want to fetch from refs/pull/NNN/head at the defined upstream remote but push to refs/heads/XXX at the fork)

So I think having a remote-tracking branch basically requires a remote to be defined, which the cli currently doesn't do for PRs. That's nice because it keeps the remotes clean but personally I would prefer (in the absence of a better solution) if the cli defined a new remote where necessary so that I can have a remote-tracking branch for a PR and refer to it with @{u}.

Additional context

There is a workaround which is to use FETCH_HEAD, i.e. git reset FETCH_HEAD. But one must make sure to do git fetch beforehand when switching regularly between branches.

@Rob-Hague : Thank you for opening this issue! ❤ I'll admit I also don't have a great solution in mind just yet.

There's 2 things I'd like to do to investigate this further:

  1. Understand how git is treating @{u} relative to branch.<name>.remote=upstream and whether this only works on repository remotes for git log and other commands.
  2. Bring this back to the team to discuss how additional remotes may affect other git and/or gh operations.

At the least, this could be a flag or configuration someone elects to turn on assuming no glaring issues. 🤔


branch.<name>.remote documentation


When on branch <name>, it tells git fetch and git push which remote to fetch from or push to. The remote to push to may be overridden with remote.pushDefault (for all branches). The remote to push to, for the current branch, may be further overridden by branch.<name>.pushRemote. If no remote is configured, or if you are not on any branch and there is more than one remote defined in the repository, it defaults to origin for fetching and remote.pushDefault for pushing. Additionally, . (a period) is the current local repository (a dot-repository), see branch.<name>.merge's final note below.

The salient bit being "it tells git fetch and git push which remote to fetch from or push to" makes me wonder if this is a use case for git to expand this to other commands.

remote_for_branch(...) logic in git

At a glance, it seems the blast radius of the configuration above is fairly limited, however one particular bit of code is ref-filter.c saying only local branches may have an upstream:

		else if (atom_type == ATOM_UPSTREAM) {
			const char *branch_name;
			/* only local branches may have an upstream */
			if (!skip_prefix(ref->refname, "refs/heads/",
					 &branch_name)) {
				v->s = xstrdup("");
			branch = branch_get(branch_name);

			refname = branch_get_upstream(branch, NULL);
			if (refname)
				fill_remote_ref_details(atom, refname, branch, &v->s);
				v->s = xstrdup("");

Original gh pr checkout PR

Just going back in time to confirm we've been consistent with branch-specific remotes and seeing the design considerations of the time (no issue behind this unfortunately) 🤔

@Rob-Hague : While we figure this out, have you tried manually adding remotes for the repo and modifying the branches to use said remote? seeing how it affected other operations?

Thanks for looking into it. Here are some scenarios (run from my fork of


gh pr checkout 1392
# output
 * [new ref]           refs/pull/1392/head -> nullable
Switched to branch 'nullable'
# output from git config --list

git log @{u} does not work here


gh pr checkout 1392
git remote add mus65
git config branch.nullable.remote mus65
git fetch
# output from git config --list

Now git log @{u} works as desired here


git remote add mus65
gh pr checkout 1392
# output
 * [new branch]        nullable   -> mus65/nullable
Switched to a new branch 'nullable'
branch 'nullable' set up to track 'mus65/nullable'.
# output from git config --list

git log @{u} works as desired here.

Actually I didn't realise it works in (3) i.e. when the remote is preexisting. Still, it would be nice if the cli could add the remote for me, assuming that one cannot achieve the ideal scenario:

gh pr checkout 1392
# output from git config --list