
More configuration documentation, please

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I am trying to get it running, but it is not recognizing the response from CLUSTER SLOTS command, according to log
But it does not tell me if the command was successful.
How do I enable more meaningful logs, and configuration documentation would be nice. I can help with it given a bit of orientation.

2022-04-02 00:00:29.475  INFO libaster: starting aster cluster test-cluster in addr
    at src/ on main ThreadId(1)

  2022-04-02 00:00:29.475  INFO libaster: setup meta info with Meta { cluster: "test-cluster", port: "7788", ip: "" }
    at src/ on main ThreadId(1)

  2022-04-02 00:00:30.506 DEBUG libaster::proxy::cluster::init: CLUSTER SLOTS get response as Cmd { cmd: RefCell { value: Command { flags: DONE | ERROR, ctype: Ctrl, cycle: 0, req: Message { rtype: Array(Range { begin: 0, end: 4 }, [Bulk(Range { begin: 4, end: 8 }, Range { begin: 8, end: 17 }), Bulk(Range { begin: 17, end: 21 }, Range { begin: 21, end: 28 })]), data: b"*2\r\n$7\r\nCLUSTER\r\n$5\r\nSLOTS\r\n" }, reply: Some(Message { rtype: Error(Range { begin: 0, end: 18 }), data: b"-command timeout\r\n" }), subs: None, total_tracker: None, remote_tracker: None } }, notify: Notify { shared: NotifyShared { task: RefCell { value: Some(Task) }, count: Cell { value: 1 }, expect: 1 } } }
    at src/proxy/cluster/ on test-cluster ThreadId(3)

  2022-04-02 00:00:30.506  WARN libaster::proxy::cluster::init: fail to parse cmd reply due CLUSTER SLOTS must be replied with array
    at src/proxy/cluster/ on test-cluster ThreadId(3)
clia commented

According to your debug log, it says "command timeout". Could you have a test for network connectivity?

I will add more documentation for configuration in next version. Thanks for your suggestion!

It appears that TLS support is not there. If TLS support is not included, these timeouts tent to happen. Is there a way to include the TLS support in the build?