
Scripts and data to accompany 2020 paper "The Emergence of Heat and Humidity Too Severe for Human Tolerance", with Tom Matthews and Radley Horton, to be published in Science Advances

Primary LanguageMATLABGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


To replicate results:

  1. Download all scripts as well as the contents of the Data folder. Edit masterscript to point to the proper local directories.

  2. (Optional) If wanting to replicate Supplemental Figures S3 and S4: from the ECMWF website, download 6-hourly 1000-mb ERA-Interim data for specific humidity (q), temperature (T), u-wind, and v-wind for 1979-2017. Additionally, use ecmwfdownloadscript.sh.py to download 2-m ERA-Interim T and Td data for 1979-2017. Then, use erainterimcalc2mtw to compute 2-m Tw for Southwest Asia.

  3. Run the four "essential" loops within masterscript.

  4. Run the script downloadreadandqcdata to reproduce final HadISD station dataset (alternatively, contact me to share the ~2GB file via Globus).

  5. Finally, run makefinalfigures to create any figures that are desired.

Please contact Colin Raymond (cr2630@columbia.edu) to ask any questions, report any bugs, or request the large files containing the final station dataset (~2GB) used in most figures or the radiosonde dataset (4 x 500MB) used in Figures S6-S9.