
Need assistance on usage

jhnferraris opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello, is this still being maintained?

I want to know how to properly utilized this library.

// My Manager
export default class FoursquareManager {
  constructor() {
    const config = {
      secrets: {
        clientId: 'xxxxx',
        clientSecret: 'xxxx$',
        redirectUrl: 'xxxx,

    this.foursquare = require("node-foursquare")(config);

  getVenues() {
    console.log('getting venues');
    // Set the accesstoken as an empty string since I'm only accessing the public api.
    return'40.7', '-74', null, {}, '', function (error, data) {
      return data;

Testing via mocha:

describe("FoursquareManager", () => {

  let fsqManager;

  beforeEach(() => {
    fsqManager = new FoursquareManager();

  context("getVenues", () => {
    context("can get venues", () => {
      it("gets venues", done => {
        let data = fsqManager.getVenues();
        console.log('test', data);

Logging the data it revealed that is undefined.

Is this the expected behavior then using this library or I'm using this in the wrong way?

I’m also having issues with the getVenue method. I can output "data" to the terminal, but the methods returns "undefined” and not the venue json object.

function getVenueDetails(id){
    return foursquare.Venues.getVenue(id, null, function(error, data){
        if(error) {
            return data

I worked it out! Async code = difficult! The data object is undefined because it hasn't been created yet.

function getVenueDetails(id, callback){
    foursquare.Venues.getVenue(id, null, function(error, data){
        if(error) console.log(error)
getVenueDetails(venue_id, function(result){
    //your venue info can be found here!    

Would be great to add an example like this to the readme

@jhnferraris node-foursquare is an asynchronous library:

getVenues(callback) {
  console.log('getting venues');
  // Set the accesstoken as an empty string since I'm only accessing the public api.'40.7', '-74', null, {}, '', callback);
describe("FoursquareManager", () => {

  let fsqManager;

  beforeEach(() => {
    fsqManager = new FoursquareManager();

  context("getVenues", () => {
    context("can get venues", () => {
      it("gets venues", done => {
        fsqManager.getVenues(function(error, data) {
          console.log('test', error || data);

Obviously sorry for the delay. This library is maintained, just not as often as I used to maintain it.