
Issue with registering rim node

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First, would it be possible to talk to you as an end user? You've got all this awesome automation that I've been trying to adapt for our setup in AWS. I know you work for qlik and we're a customer, so I'm hoping you'll take pity on me!

If not, I'm confused about something. In cn-install:

copy-item 'c:\programdata\qlik\sense\repository\Exported Certificates\rimNode' -Recurse c:\qlik\certificates\rimNode -Force

Here you copy the certs out to the share for the rimNode. I have my share on a different drive and only just noticed this was meant to be going out to the share. When you install rim nodes however there's no reference to this file. Does this mean that Qlik itself looks for certs in that file path certificates\rimNode and magically knows what to do with them?

I got to a point where my central node provisions in an autoscaling group of 1, and then my rim node provisions and tries to connect to that central node (over a network loadbalancer so I have a static endpoint to hit). That fails every time with a failure to connect to the remote node, and a bunch of other errors to do with handles in psexec. I'm trying to work out the right way to get these certs working on the rim node so it can add itself to the central node.