
An error occurred on...

obio72 opened this issue · 2 comments

Overall progress... Status: Calculating counter statistics [very CPU intensive]..., PAL 2.8.2 Progress: 65%... Calculating counter statistics [very CPU intensive]...,

An error occurred on...
$iPercentComplete = ConvertToDataType $(($iIndexOfJobs / $iTotalJobs) * 100) 'integer'
At C:\Program Files\PAL\PAL\PAL.ps1:2526 char:49 + ... ete = ConvertToDataType $(($iIndexOfJobs / $iTotalJobs) * 100) 'integ ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Attempted to divide by zero.

Log: C:\Temp\troy\PA11PAWVW211_20200311-000001\DataCollector01.blg
ThresholdFile: C:\Users\ZZOOKO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\PalAutoDetectThresholdFile_b298c81d-48ad-45f4-bc16-de91ad9a86ea.xml
AnalysisInterval: AUTO
IsOutputHtml: $True
IsOutputXml: $False
HtmlOutputFileName: [LogFileName]PAL_ANALYSIS[DateTimeStamp].htm
XmlOutputFileName: [LogFileName]PAL_ANALYSIS[DateTimeStamp].xml
OutputDir: [My Documents]\PAL Reports
AllCounterStats: $False
NumberOfThreads: 4
IsLowPriority: $True
DisplayReport: True

Please contact the PAL tool team with this error by posting it to Thank you!

For detailed information, please look at the script execution log at

We are encountering the same issue.
Have you been able to solve it?

Have you tried opening the DataCollector01.blg in Performance Monitor to make sure it is not corrupted? If yes, then can you send me the counter log, so that I might debug it? Upload to and then write a comment here to let me know when it is uploaded. Thank you and sorry for the delayed response.