
Documentation of "pattern es" mismatch library code

AlonsoCerpa opened this issue · 0 comments

Inside the Documentation of pattern es, particularly in verb conjugation, there is a table of conjugations for spanish verbs, however, in the table, when the alias is "1sgp+", this doesnt work, because the correct alias is "1sg+" (I noted this observing the library file pattern/text/ and going to the line 1937, where the table of conjugation shows the correct alias).

In total there are 6 Alias changes needed for the documentation of pattern es:
"1sgp+" -> "1sg+"
"2sgp+" -> "2sg+"
"3sgp+" -> "3sg+"
"1ppl+" -> "1pl+"
"2ppl+" -> "2pl+"
"3ppl+" -> "3pl+"