
no docs about MacOS

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi, I am trying to get GoMoPho to work on the Mac. When I downloaded the Zip I got a lot of files. So I tried to make it work in Terminal "GoMoPhoCoreConsole d *.jpg"

But nothing seems to work.

Does anyone have tips how to make it work on the mac?

Hi stefansegers,

Sorry I haven't replied earlier.

I think the fault is my poor instructions. Let me try some new ones for you.

  1. Visit
  2. Scroll down and download "" where x.x.x represents the version number, currently at 2.0.4.
  3. Unzip to a new folder, and run the file "GoMoPhoCoreConsole"
  4. Run GoMoPhoCoreConsole - it should present with the following
Welcome to google motion photos extractor.
If you provide a folder that contains google motion photos,
then I will extract any videos found
Press A to show more advanced options, otherwise press any other key to provide a folder
Please type in a directory to process motion photos and press ENTER i.e. C:\\Users\\Clive\\OneDrive\\Documents\\Pictures\\Camera Roll
  1. Type in a folder with your files.. such as /Users/Martin/Pictures

Hi Clive,
thanks for your reply. I got it working. Only thing I came accros is that the movie file has the time/date of the moment it is being saved instead original date of creation.
Is there a way to get this also working?
This is especially handy when you combine video's and live-video's, then you can sort by date of creation. Searching through 800 files will be easier then :)

Great tip. Sorry for the very long delay. It should certainly be possible. I'll create a new issue.