
code still uses com.codahale.metrics package name not io.dropwizard.metrics

jeffmad opened this issue · 5 comments

Maybe I am missing something, but if sjl/metrics-clojure is using 3.1 version of metrics now with the 2.6.0 release, then the package names should be (:import [io.dropwizard.metrics MetricRegistry]) not (:import [com.codahale.metrics MetricsRegistry])

(ns metrics.core
(:import [com.codahale.metrics MetricRegistry Metric]))

(def ^{:tag MetricRegistry :doc "Default registry used by public API functions when no explicit registry argument is given"}

(defn ^com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry new-registry

@jeffmad please submit a pull request.

will do.

@jeffmad actually, in v3.1.2, package names are still com.codahale, so you are looking at master.

Michael, sorry for the confusion I caused.

@jeffmad no worries, it's a good heads up for us: at some point we'll have to upgrade beyond 3.1.2 ;)