
Button breaks frame focus listener

whamtet opened this issue · 2 comments

Let's create a frame and attach a listener.

(use 'seesaw.core)

  (frame :content (label "hi"))
  (listen :focus-gained (fn [_] (println "hi")))
  (-> pack! show!))

The frame prints "hi" as expected. If I change this to a button it no longer works.

  (frame :content (button "hi"))
  (listen :focus-gained (fn [_] (println "hi")))
  (-> pack! show!))

Presumably the button is stealing the frame's focus listener. Any suggestions?

Do you want to know when the frame has keyboard focus, or just that it's been activated? The form will be problematic for reason's you've already discovered. Keyboard focus is hierarchical and will go to more specific components in the frame. In the latter case, you probably want the :window-activated event to find out when the user's returned to the frame regardless of which widget ends up with keyboard focus.

Does this help?

Great! :window-activated and :window-deactivated are the events to use!