
on-demand pop-up documentation

joegallo opened this issue · 1 comments

I really like the popup documentation that ac-nrepl gives you, but I wanted to be able to invoke it on-demand rather than only just when I've been autocompleted (see gist). I'm not sure if this is something that makes sense as a feature of ac-nrepl itself (maybe it should go up to nrepl mode instead?) but I thought I'd send the gist your way.

I agree that this is handy. Since any auto-complete source can provide documentation that will be displayed in a pop-up, it seems like there should be a general way to do this such that it would also work with, say, ac-slime... I'll have a look around, and will figure out the best way to make this available. There's a good chance the solution will be to just past your snippet into ac-nrepl. :-)