
Solved: ac-nrepl installed via package.el doesn't work because `cider-0.1' is unavailable

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Putting this here for future users who hit the same issue.

If you see the following on emacs startup.

Warning (emacs): Unable to activate package `ac-nrepl'.
Required package `cider-0.1' is unavailable

and ac-nrepl does not work after following the setup instructions, you
might have a broken package.el lying about (if you've upgraded from emacs 23
to emacs 24 and have stuff lying around ~/.emacs.d)

an updated package.el is bundled in emacs 24, try locating and removing
stale copies of it in ~/.emacs.d and restarting emacs.

Thanks for posting this. It would have to have been a very old package.el from, since the most widely-used package.el for Emacs 23 has long been the one linked to from Marmalade etc., which shouldn't produce the above error.


You're right it was a different issues, if cider isn't installed via package.el
it needs to be require'd prior to packages that depend on it and are loaded via
since cider itself depends on several packages it gets tiresome. Installing via package-install
and then updating the load-path with a local repo clone seems to do the trick.