
ac-fuzzy-complete not works

turtle-bazon opened this issue · 5 comments

Use with cider. Normal complete works. Fuzzy complete not.

Can you be more specific than "not working"? What do you see - an error, missing results, or wrong results? Can you describe how to reproduce it?

in clojure:

(def open-connections nil)

(defn add-connection [...]

In cursor place M-x ac-fuzzy-complete. None happens. No error, no popup, no action. REPL started via cider-jack-in, cider mode in buffer enabled. AC mode enabled. Simple completions like open works fine.

What shoul I do to acheive fuzzy completion? Or you viewing this problem and can't answer right now?

Okay, so fuzzy completions are apparently an auto-complete add-on, and if they don't work, it's not related to ac-nrepl. I just had a play with fuzzy completion and couldn't get it to work well even for elisp, so I'm not surprised it's not working for you with Clojure, but it's also not something we can fix in ac-nrepl.

thanks a lot for your investigation. I'll open issue in auto-complete.