clojure-emacs/cider should not hardcode `~/.emacs.d`

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Currently, hardcodes ~/.emacs.d in case any errors are reported by lein and puts an error file there. This seems like the wrong thing to do, as the user's config itself does not need to reside there. Judging from the mkdir -p ~/.emacs.d, that much is known. It can, however, result in extremely surprising behaviour, as Emacs still prefers those paths. By this I mean that even though one might use XDG-like conventions, the mere existence of a ~/.emacs.d directory will push Emacs towards using that as the place for the config—once hit by a lein error, the user will be greeting by a completely vanilla instance upon restart!

I guess one could do emacs --batch --eval "(princ user-emacs-directory)". I'm not sure how hacky this is (well, really I know :); either way, there is probably at least one good way to get the correct directory.

vemv commented

Thanks for a sensible issue report!

We already honor XDG JVM side so it would be no issue to also do it Elisp side.

This should be improved early in the week.

Cheers - V

Well that was fast; thank you so much!

vemv commented


Happy to have users opting in to enrich-classpath - other feedback welcome anytime.