
Logback logs not showing in `*cider-log*` buffer

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Expected behavior

Expected to see logback logs in *cider-log* buffer after adding an appender.

Actual behavior

*cider-log* buffer is empty after doing logging calls.

Steps to reproduce the problem

  • Start REPL with cider-jack-in-clj
  • Invoke cider-log and add appender with a a and a keys
  • Evaluate ( "hello") in user namespace
  • See "hello" log message in *cider-log* buffer

Environment & Version information

  • Logback dependency version ch.qos.logback/logback-classic {:mvn/version "1.4.7"}

CIDER version information

CIDER 1.13.0-snapshot (package: 1.13.0-snapshot), nREPL 1.0.0
Clojure 1.11.1, Java 17.0.8

CIDER commit sha: 0134a0b

Lein / Clojure CLI version

Clojure CLI version

Emacs version

GNU Emacs 29.1 (build 1, aarch64-apple-darwin21.6.0, NS appkit-2113.60 Version 12.6.6 (Build 21G646)) of 2023-07-30

Operating system

macOS 14.1.1 (23B81)

JDK distribution

openjdk version "17.0.8" 2023-07-18

vemv commented

To view log events and stream them to your client, type es (Search log events) followed by s. This will open the cider-log buffer showing any log events captured thus far. It will also add a log consumer to this buffer, which receives newly-arriving log events.

Did you follow these steps?

Cheers - V

Enabling message logging with nrepl-toggle-message-logging, I can see the evaluation call and its responses in the *nrepl-messages ...* buffer, but nothing related to logs.

vemv commented

I meant, you should ensure there's a consumer besides from an appender, it seems.

To view log events and stream them to your client, type es (Search log events) followed by s. This will open the cider-log buffer showing any log events captured thus far. It will also add a log consumer to this buffer, which receives newly-arriving log events.

Did you follow these steps?

Ok, it's a user error on my part 😌

After doing the e s & s, the logs start appearing.

vemv commented

No issue. Let us know how it goes!

I'll see if there's a cheap chance to make the lack of a consumer more evident.