
Lots of compilation warnings since update to Emacs 29

Opened this issue ยท 4 comments

Expected behavior

Loading CIDER should work without warnings.

Actual behavior

Since upgrading from Emacs 28 to 29, I get a lot of compilation warnings when loading CIDER. They pop up in a *Warnings* buffer like this:


Here's the full list.

Steps to reproduce the problem

Load CIDER in Emacs 29.1 with native compilation enabled.

Environment & Version information

CIDER version information

;; CIDER 1.13.0 (Santiago), nREPL 1.0.0
;; Clojure 1.11.1, Java 17.0.7

Lein / Clojure CLI version

Clojure CLI version

Emacs version

GNU Emacs 29.1 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, X toolkit, cairo version 1.18.0, Xaw3d scroll bars)

Operating system

NixOS 24.05 (Uakari)

JDK distribution


vemv commented

Thanks much for the heads up. As far as CircleCI goes, we run test-lint only in Emacs 28. It seems about time that we run it for 29 instead.

(probably it's not a good idea to lint for our entire matrix - I think I've seen issues that if solved for one version, then create an issue for a different version, and so on)

@ikappaki may enjoy fixing this, but that's only an invitation :)

(probably it's not a good idea to lint for our entire matrix - I think I've seen issues that if solved for one version, then create an issue for a different version, and so on)

I agreed. Generally it's best to lint only on the latest supported version, at typically the lint warning are accretive anyways.

Somewhat relatedly: I might suggest adding Emacs HEAD to the matrix too, but allowing failures for that version. Then you kinda get a heads-up about potential future issues. I noticed that sesman doesn't compile in current Emacs HEAD, for example, so Cider is uninstallable there. It could be an Emacs bug, but who knows?

Hmm, I thought we had done it, but I guess this changed amidst all the CI tweaks. It's always a good idea.