
Ability to auto-inspect on repl eval

Opened this issue · 2 comments

vemv commented

There's cider-auto-inspect-after-eval which only affects interactive eval, not repl eval.

This mostly makes sense, since it would be confusingly disruptive if, right after sending a form over the repl, Emacs focused to the Inspector buffer.

However after #3634 it will be possible to keep the Inspector in the background.

So I'm thinking of a new defcustom, cider-auto-inspect-after-repl-eval, default nil.

When set to t, after every repl eval, the Inspector buffer would be refreshed with the corresponding value. This is handy for intrincate results.

You can also make the old config accept symbols to have more granular behavior - e.g. 'interactive, 'repl, 'all. Something along those lines. We've done such changes quite a few times in the past.

vemv commented

Nice! Would be all for it